Distribution of current in parallel connection

Distribution of current and voltage in parallel and series

Here is a brief explanation to know about the distribution of current and voltage in series and parallel connections. Distribution of current in parallel connection: When all the devices are connected using parallel connections, the circuit is referred to as a parallel circuit. In a parallel circuit, each device is placed in its own separate branch. The presence Read more about Distribution of current and voltage in parallel and series[…]

Two Masses in Contact

Constraint Relations

In classical mechanics, a constraint is a relation between coordinates and momenta (and possibly higher derivatives of the coordinates). In other words, a constraint is a restriction on the freedom of movement of a system of particles. The only difference between a constraint equation and eg a conservation equation is that a conservation equation is physics, but Read more about Constraint Relations[…]


Best Mnemonics to follow in Chemistry

Have you been constantly confused about the signs and the properties of ions, electrodes etc?? Is it slipping away from your mind always? Here goes the tips to remember those easily and helps you score well in competitive examinations by even saving a lot of time. Cations and anions: Cations are positively (+) charged ions while anions are negatively (−) Read more about Best Mnemonics to follow in Chemistry[…]