Explanation Of S-Block (Group IA) Elements

Group I A Elements:

Hydrogen (Atomic number – 1)

Lithium (Atomic number – 3)

Sodium (Atomic number – 11)

Potassium (Atomic number – 19)

Rubidium (Atomic number – 37)

Strontium (Atomic number – 55)

Francium (Atomic number – 87)

  •  Elements of group I A and II A are known as s – block elements.
  •  Except Hydrogen all elements are metals.
  •  Group IA consists of Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, Francium.
  •  Group IIA consists of Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Stratium, Barium, Radium.
  •   IA elements (except Hydrogen) – Alkali metals.
  •   II A Elements → Alkaline earth metals.
  •  Have one electron in the outermost orbit.
  •  By loosing the electron they form stable + 1 ion.
  •  They are univalent and show + 1 oxidation state.

General periodic trends:

  •  As we move from up to down the atomic radius increases.
  • Order of radius size = H < Li < Na < Rb < Cs < Fr
  • Ionization potential coming from top to bottom decreases.
  • Density generally increases with an increase in atomic mass.
  • Exception → Potassium is expected to have more density than sodium but actually has less than sodium.
  • Electronegativity from top to bottom decreases.
  • Alkali metals along their individual periods have largest atomic radius.
  • Mobility of ions increases down the group.
    ∴ Rb⁺ > K⁺ > Na⁺ > Li⁺ > H⁺ is the order of mobility of ions.
  • Hydration enthalpy decreases down the group.
    ∴ H⁺ > Li⁺ > Na⁺ > K⁺ > Rb⁺ in case of hydration enthalpy.

⇒ Heating effects of carbonates of IA elements.
\({{M}_{2}}C{{O}_{3}}\,\xrightarrow{\Delta }\,No\,effect\)

(M = Na, K, Rb, Cs), (Exception Li₂CO₃ → Li₂O + CO₂)

⇒ All metal carbonates of IA except Li₂CO₃ have no effect on heating.

⇒ Heating effect of nitrates of IA elements.
\({{M}_{2}}N{{O}_{3}}\,\xrightarrow{\Delta }\,MN{{O}_{2}}\,\,+\frac{1}{2}{{O}_{2}}\)

(M = Na, K, Rb, Cs), (LiNO₃ → Li₂O + NO₂)

Flame Test:

Li → Crimson Red

Na →Yellow

K → Violet

Rb → Red Violet

Cs → Blue