Logic Puzzles 2 (With Answers)

Puzzle 1: What number or numbers comes next in this series?1Answer: 7777777.

Solution: 1 ones

2 twos

3 threes

4 fours

5 fives

6 sixes and

7 sevens

Puzzle 2: Suppose today is Thursday. What day of the week will it be 19 days from today?

Answer: Tuesday.

Solution: It will be Tuesday. Each week has 7 days, so it will be Thursday again in 21 days and 2 days before that will be Tuesday.

Puzzle 3: What is the odd one out?2Solution: The odd one out is 78. It is 39 x 2. The other numbers are all evenly divisible by 37.

Puzzle 4: What is the factorial of 5?

A. 1

B. 60

C. 120

D. 180

Answer: C – 120

Solution: 120 (5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1).

Puzzle 5: The average of three numbers is 29. The average of two of these numbers is 38. What is the third number?

Answer: 11.

Solution: 3 numbers 29 x 3 = 87 total

2 numbers 38 x 2 = 76 total

The third number must therefore be 87 – 76 = 11.

Puzzle 6: Can you determine the missing number in the box? The same rule of logic applies to all three boxes.3Solution: The missing number is 24. The rule is to double the first number in each rectangle and place that number in the next box below it.