Applications of Pascal’s Law

Applications of Pascal’s Law

Pascal’s Law states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container. Pascal’s law is also given as, if the effect of gravitation is neglected, the pressure at every point in an incompressible liquid, in equilibrium is the same.

Hydraulic lift: This is the principle of working of a hydraulic lift. It works based on the principle of equal pressure transmission throughout a fluid. The construction is such that a narrow cylinder A is connected to a wider cylinder B. they are fitted with airtight pistons on either end. The inside of the cylinders are filled with an incompressible fluid.

Applications of Pascal’s Law

Pressure applied at piston A is transmitted equally to piston B without diminishing, on use of an incompressible fluid. Piston B effectively serves as a platform to lift heavy objects like big machine or vehicles. Few more application include a hydraulic jack and hydraulic press and forced amplification is used in the braking system of most cars.

Let us understand the working principle of Pascal’s law with an example.

Problem: A pressure of 2000 Pa is transmitted throughout a liquid column due a force being applied on a piston. If the piston has an area of 0.1 m², what is the force applied?

Solution: Given,

Pressure (P) = 2000 Pa

Area (A) = 0.1 m²

Force (F) =?

We know that:

Pressure \((P)\,\,=\,\,\frac{Force(F)}{Area(A)}\)

Force (F) = Pressure (P) x Area (A)

Force (F) = 2000 Pa x 0.1 m² = 200 N


Force (F) = 200N.