Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen

Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds

Qualitative chemical analysis deals with the identification of elements or grouping of elements present in a sample. Detection of Carbon and Hydrogen: Carbon and hydrogen are detected by heating the compound with copper (II) oxide. Carbon present in the compound is oxidised to carbon dioxide (tested with lime-water, which develops turbidity). C + 2CuO → 2Cu + CO₂ CO₂ Read more about Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds[…]


Riddles 3 (With Answers)

Puzzle 1: What never asks questions but is often answered? Answer:  A doorbell. Puzzle 2: What belongs to you but other people use it more than you? Answer:  Your name. Puzzle 3: I have a large money box, 48 centimeters square and 42 centimeters tall. Roughly how many coins can I place in my empty money box? Answer: Just one, after which it will Read more about Riddles 3 (With Answers)[…]

Properties & Acidic Character of Acetylene, Addition Reactions- of Hydrogen, Halogen, Hydrogen Halides and Water

Physical properties: Physical properties are smaller to alkenes and alkanes. First three are gases, next eight are liquids and higher ones are solids. These are insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents. Chemical properties: a) Acidic character of acetylene: Acetylene reacts with sodamide to form sodium acetylide with liberation of hydrogen gas. HC ≡ Read more about Properties & Acidic Character of Acetylene, Addition Reactions- of Hydrogen, Halogen, Hydrogen Halides and Water[…]