Sliding Friction

Sliding Friction

Whenever the surface of a body slides over another, each body experiences a contact force which always opposes the relative motion between the surfaces. This contact force is called a frictional force. Intermolecular interaction arising due to elastic properties of matter is the cause of frictional force. This force acts tangentially to the interface of two bodies.

What is a Sliding Friction?

Sliding friction refers to the resistance created by any two objects when sliding against each other, this friction is also known as kinetic friction, it is defines as the force that is needed to keep a surface sliding along another surface. It depends on two variable, one is material and the other is weight of the object. Any change in the surface area in contact does not change the sliding friction.

Sliding Friction

Formula for Sliding Friction:

Fs = μs Fn


Fs = Force of Sliding Friction,

μs = Coefficient of Sliding Friction,

Fn = Normal Force.

Factors that can impact Sliding Friction:

  • The roughness or smoothness of the surface of the objects.
  • The surface deformation of objects.
  • The original speed of either object.
  • The size of object.