Oxidation Number Concept

It denotes the oxidation state of an element in a compound

Rules to assign Oxidation number:

  1. Elements in free state have zero oxidation number.Ex: H2, O2, N2, C etc. have 0 oxidation number
  2. For ions composed of only one atom, the charge on the ion is its oxidation number.
    Ex: Cl → -1 oxidation number
    Mg2+ → +2
    Na+ → +1
  3. All alkali metals have +1 oxidation number in their compounds. All alkaline earth metals have +2 oxidation number in the compounds.
  4. Aluminium has +3 oxidation number in all its compounds.
  5. Oxidation number of oxygen is -2 in most of its compounds.
    Ex: in CO2 and H2O, oxidation number of Oxygen is -2.
    In Peroxides:
     Oxidation number of oxygen is -1
    Ex: H2O2, Na2O2
    In Superoxides: Oxygen has (-½) oxidation number
    Ex: KO2, RbO2
    Oxygen bound to fluorine:

    In OF2, oxidation number of oxygen is +2
    In O2F2, oxidation number of oxygen is +1.
  6. Oxidation number of Flourine is always -1.
  7. Oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 in all compounds except in metallic Hydrides.
    In metallic Hydrides, Hydrogen has -1 oxidation state.
    CaH2, NaH.
  8. In a compound, the algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers of all its atoms must be zero.
  9. In a complex ion, the algebraic sum of all the oxidation numbers of its atoms must be equal to the charge on the ion.

Oxidation and Reduction in terms of oxidation number:

  •  Oxidation – An increase in Oxidation number
    Ex:  Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e
    Fe2+ is oxidized.
  • Reduction – A decrease in the oxidation number.
    Ex: Fe3++ e → Fe2+
    Fe3+ is reduced.

Oxidation number/states of representative elements

Group                                         Common oxidation states

1                                                    +1

2                                                    +2

13                                                  +3, +1

14                                                  +4, +3, +2, +1, -1, -2, -3, -4

15                                                  +5, +3, +1, -1, -3

16                                                  +6, +4, +2, -2

17                                                  +7, +5, +3, +1, -1

Fractional oxidation number

It is the average oxidation state of the element in the compound. The element is present in different oxidation states in the compound

For example:

The oxidation number of carbon in propane is – 8/3.



The terminal carbons show – 3 oxidation state and the third carbon in the middle has -2 oxidation so the average oxidation state = -3 + (-3) + (-2) / 3 = -8 / 3.